Word Game 1

This page was last updated on February 5, 2009. Changes to these pages almost always are at the bottom.

I like word games, and I plan to present a few nifty ones on this Web site. Again, contributions are shamelessly solicited! Send them to crassman@verycrasswords.com.

Here’s a one-person word game that’s easy to start but not so easy to finish.

Write down a word that is 2 letters long.
Then write down a word that is 3 letters long.
Then write down a word that is 4 letters long.
Then write down a word that is 5 letters long.
Then write down a word that is 6 letters long.

The letters within each word must be in alphabetical order, and no letters can repeat from word to word.

Can you make it all the way to that final 6-letter word?

For example, if the last two words were valid,
this would be a legal solution: AX, BET, FLOP,

For one solution, go to the Game Answers page.

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