Jumble Variations

This page was last updated on February 5, 2009. Changes to these pages almost always are at the bottom.

My friend David A. Hoyt is one of the most clever word people on the planet. Here is something from him:

Lately my friend Barbara has been e-mailing me a jumble every day. While solving it, I invent fanciful “words,” which B requires that I define. Two recent gems from IIATSGM: magisti (pasta shaped like tiny judges) and mitigas (petroleum sent by sheikhs to keep us from bombing them).

Today she sent TSONEOM, which inspired me to weave my findings into a tale, which I dub “Nostemo”:


The montose Nostemo, smooten with emotons, had his beloved Monseot onemost in mind. Some suitors are given to such a monoset, and somenot.

As moonset approached, he rubbed his omstone, and its semoton told him the omenots were favorable. “Mensoot,” quoth he, “a rush of stomone doth drive me to station my ostemon 'neath her window, that she might grant me her onomest favors.”

He did so forthwith. “Most-one!” cried Nostemo, and warbled some monotes of a sonetom in poignant motones.  But the ostenmo object of his sentomo, Monseot (by day a stenomo), took offense. “How hast thou the stonemo to disturb my somneto at this oomnest hour?” Whereupon she spread her moosent omonets and pressed them to the glass.

The onsmote Nostemo cried, “Tomnose strumpet, moonest thou me? Are somento these the omentos of thy estomon?” Alas, it was so. Nostemo could but tie on a sooment stoneom to ease his monesto.


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