Names for People 1

This page was last updated on January 26, 2024. Changes to these pages almost always are at the bottom.

Here are some very crass people names I have collected over the years. I came up with many of them, and many are from other sources.

Many of these people names are tasteless and offensive, and thus not suitable for women and children. Of course, those kinds of names are my favorites. Other names here could be uttered in front of women and children, but I include them anyway, because I find them delightful in spite of their cleanliness.

In 1974, National Lampoon magazine published a parody of a 1964 high school yearbook. This is still one of the most delightful and subtle satires ever published. In this yearbook were hundreds of punny names for the students of the high school. These names appear on the pages entitled Names for People 2 through 5. I’m probably violating copyright laws, but maybe P.J. O’Rourke will forgive me! Just think of H.L. Mencken, P.J.: Would HE try to shut me down? Well, come to think of it, he probably would.

You, too, can add to this list by e-mailing your people names to crassman@verycrasswords.com.  If you want credit for your gems, I will disclose your real name or your alias, as you specify. If you don’t want credit, then I will use “Anon.”

This list includes so-called dirty words and unpleasant references. So please GO NO FARTHER IF YOU ARE YOUNGER THAN 18.

A. Nuss
Alf Resco
Art C. Farsi
B. Stowe-Burton
B. Seedid
B.L. Zebubb
Belle E. Flopp
Ben Dover
Ben S. Waylah
Cindy Cajun
Clete Orris
Connie Suer
D. Claude Katz
D.I. Savitt
D. Pleated
Dee Bockell
Ed E. Puss
Eileen Dover
Ellie Funt
Ellis D. Tripp
S.P. O'Nagy
Hugh Briss
I.C. London
I.C. France
I. Ken Dewar
Ike R. Rumbaugh
I.M. Pist
Jacques Q. Lahr
Jenna Taylia
Jenny C. Kwa
J.L. Bate
Juan Derbra
K. Porn
Kathi Turr
Kaye Pasa
L. Bogue-Reese
Liz E. Strada
Lou D. Kruss
Mai Peter-Hertz
Manny Phesto
Manny Poss
Marty Graw
Mel O. Dee
Mo Lester
Moe Lassis
N. Della Ball
O. Shunn
P. Ness
P. Suvvas
Patty Waggin
Penny Trachin
Perry Noya
Phan DeFlames
Phil N. DeBlanc
P. Ross-Tate
R. Gazzim
R. MacGettin
R.A. Gato
R.E. Yentl
R.U. Shure
Ray D. Yosho
Raye Mifah-Solado
Rhonda Bend
Romana Clay
S. Trojan
Sharla Tunn
Sue Pine
Tess T. Cole
U. Ken Dewar
U. Ken Fokker
X. Crement
X.S. Baggage
Z.I. Toljewceau  
(J.W. Harding)
Hugh Jardon   (D.A. Hoyt)
Bea Yatch
D.O. D’Runt
Edna Pictin-Appelhof  
(M.Q. Wehinger)
Lyda Kane   (K.S. Quigley)
Harry P. Ness   (K.S. Quigley)
Corey Nation
P.N. Herpantz
Jack Zorbetter
Constance Truggle  
(M.Q. Wehinger)
Sue Donym   (M.Q. Wehinger)
Mae I. Gonow   (M.Q. Wehinger)
Barbie Q. Pitt   (M.Q. Wehinger)
Luz Stewels
Dawn K. Shane
Gracie Yass
Lou Slipps
P.K. Ninny
Sarah Belle Pawlsy 
Sharon Sharalike   (Anon)
N.U. Turrow
Edie Yitt
Sarah Bellim
E. Kohleye
Tami Zinluv
C.V. Chay
E.P. Finney
S. Perez-Soh
Vi Braider
Ray Cyst
Zeke Aisle / Z. Gyle
Dick Tate
Jonah Vaark
Noah Zaark
Phil E. Bustaar
N.U. Rhesus
Opie Yoid
Sue Sheff
Perry L. O’Ghan
Holly-Loo Yaw
Holly Day
Pat E. Gonya
Al B. Corps
Max C. Padd
A. Yorta
Dick Zout
Ann U. Rizzim
V. Gates
Dyer, Rhea
Duffy, Kate
Sy Coe
Coit Tiss
Adam Baum
Marge R. Rhynn
Sissy Fuss
Della Tont
Rae Pist
F. Lou Wint
Daphne Duke
Barney Call
V. Zavee
P. Sahn-Yu
Eli Coe (spoonerism of E. Coli)
Cassie Rawl
G. Golow
Opreema Dose
Jay Nair
U.T. Russ
Carrie Yoki
Carrie Yawn
K.L. Chingah
Penny Seeya
Penny Traitt
Yuri Gnawl
C. Yallis
Marge N. Nayleah
Dee Zasstre
Sue Widge
Beau D. Zotvah
Ali Bayh
Barry Tone
Mick Shurate
Nora Lenderbe
Barb Dwyer
Earl E. Byrd
O.D. Yiss
Penny Urnd
Val U. Addid
Tom Katz
Sue Reel
Q.T. Pye
Q. Tipps
Liz Tureen
G. Spott
P. Snick
Sue P. Sayles
F. Yu
F. Werd
C. Dishis
Marshall Law
Ruby Kahn
Bea Day
Lew C. Gucey
Hal E. Penyo
Otto Kratt
Q. Dupp

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